MARS-10300-24X2C-TF, GMAX32103, 11264x9200, 24fps, 36.1x29.4mm, Global shutter, CMOS, Color

MARS-10300-24X2C-TF Camera Coaxpress
  • GMAX32103
  • 11264x9200
  • 24fps
  • 36.1x29.4mm
  • Global shutter
  • CMOS
  • Color
Delivery time: Standard 3-6, Express 0-3 weeks
Garantia de 3 anos
Certificado pela TÜV Rheinland


CoaXPress Vision Camera  

The MARS-10300-24X2C-TF is a high-performance 103 megapixel CoaXPress industrial camera designed for advanced machine vision applications. This camera offers exceptional image quality and high-speed data transmission, making it ideal for demanding industrial inspection, scientific research, and medical imaging tasks. By use of a CoaXPress interface we are able to deliver very high-resolution images at high framerates. The interface is designed to provide a stable and fast connection between the camera and the frame grabber. To fully give you the best experience the camera comes with a frame grabber and cable set included. To make full use of the GMAX32103 sensor, the camera comes with an M72 mount, see our recommended lens here. This CoaXPress model is interesting for you when your application complies with the following conditions:

  • An industrial CoaXPress camera 
  • Dimensions are: 100x100x112.3mm
  • M72 mount

If more details are required, the manual can be consulted. 

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Part number MARS-10300-24X2C-TF
Interface CXP
Resolução 11264x9200
Frame rate (fps) 24
Tamanho do pixel (um) 3.2
Cor/Mono Color
Tipo do sensor Gpixel GMAX32103
Tamanho do sensor 36.1X29.4mm
Tipo de shutter Global Shutter
Tempo de shutter 20us~1s
Profundidade de Bits ADC 12bit
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Thermoelectric cooling (TEC) with a fan 

The camera is equipped with TEC and cooling fan, which can effectively reduce thermal noise and generate high-quality images.

Utilizing the Peltier effect, the thermoelectric cooling (TEC) technology ensures precise control, maintaining the COMS image sensors operating temperature at a constant value. The temperature of the sensor can be capped up to 15°C below ambient levels. This innovative cooling mechanism not only establishes a stable operating environment but also enables extended exposure times and significantly enhances the sensitivity of camera. Such features make it an ideal fit for rigorous requirements, for instance those found in the medical industry.

In addition to the standard thermoelectric cooling, the thermoelectric cooling with fan provides a more precise temperature control of the sensor. A lower sensor temperature, compared to the non-fan model, may be possible depending on the application and ambient conditions. 

Industrial color camera

A color camera makes use of a Bayer pattern to produce a colored image. The RGB value of every pixel is being calculated by taking the value of a pixel, in combination with all the values of neighboring pixels. This results into less sharp images than those of a monochrome camera. Due to the RGB filter on the pixels, every single pixel, considering white light, captures up to 66% less photons than a monochrome camera. Which makes a color camera less light sensitive than a monochrome one. To compensate this, the following options are available:

  • Increase the amount of light 
  • Increase the gain
  • Increase shutter speed / exposure time
  • Select a more light sensitive sensor
  • Select a more light sensitive lens Compared to security cameras and webcams, an industrial color camera has larger and more light sensitve pixels. Providing you an excellent image quality. 

MTBF, Warranty & Product Life Cycle 

Each year, Daheng Imaging produces more than 100.000 industrial cameras according to the highest quality standards. The mean time between failure (MTBF) is more than 400.000 hours (45 years, 24/7). The industrial cameras are certified by TÜV Rheinland and have a 3 year warranty. After market introduction, every camera model is available for at least 7 years. Most cameras have a much longer product life cycle. For more information about our product life cycle management, check this article.

Part number MARS-10300-24X2C-TF
Interface CXP
Resolução 11264x9200
Frame rate (fps) 24
Tamanho do pixel (um) 3.2
Cor/Mono Color
Tipo do sensor Gpixel GMAX32103
Tamanho do sensor 36.1X29.4mm
Tipo de shutter Global Shutter
Tempo de shutter 20us~1s
Profundidade de Bits ADC 12bit
Profundidade de bits do pixel 8bit, 12bit
Digital Gain 0dB ~ 16dB
Formato de dados do pixel Bayer GB8 / Bayer GB12
Sincronização Hardware trigger, software trigger
I/O 1 input and 1 output with opto-isolated, 1 bidirectional GPIO, 1 RS232
Temp. de operação 0°C~45°C
Umidade de operação 10%~80%
Montagem da lente M72
Dimensão 100x100x112.3mm
SDK Software DAHENG IMAGING, Matrox or Euresys frame grabbers supporting software
Consumo de energia Typ.: 22W@24V, ambient temp. 25°C, sensor constant temp. 10°C, TEC&FAN (ON) Max.: 30W@fast cooling (TEC&FAN (ON))
Peso (g) 1610
Conformidade CE, RoHS, CoaXPress2.0, GenICam
Megapixel 103
Número antigo do produto MARS-10300-24X2C-TF

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